East Midlands Website : News

East Midlands Director Update.


At the request of the CPSA CEO Nick Fellows we have re-issued our statement to clarify the EMRC position as it appears that some members have misunderstood our original statement.

We trust the following now clears up any misunderstanding.


EMRC Committee.


Clive W Hames Director Delegate for the East Midlands


Many of you will know that recently our East Midlands Director Colin Butler decided to resign his position after just over three years in office. Colin felt that he was no longer able to represent the region in light of recent events, also owing to a family bereavement. The East Midlands Committee regrets the loss of their Regional Director but accept his resignation in light of the recent events.


Clive Hames one of the Northants Committee Representatives and a long standing member on the East Midlands Committee confirmed that he would agree to be co-opted onto the Board as the Regional Director for the East Midland Region. It was unanimously agreed by representatives from all counties of the East Midlands at their Regional Meeting on July 15th that in accordance with the Articles this was the Regions delegate for the position.


This request has been advised to both the CEO Nick Fellows and our Chairman Tony Heeks. Clive will be attending the next Board Meeting on 23rd July at Bisley and we as a Region look forward to the ratification of this co-option either prior to or at the commencement of that meeting, in order that he has full voting rights on behalf of his Region.


I'm sure that many of you will know Clive as long serving member on both the Northants and East Midlands Committee's and as an ever present member at the National AGM's. Clive has a reputation for making sure things are done correctly and the EMRC feel he will be a valuable asset to the Board of Directors.


I'm sure, subject to the ratification, that you will join me in wishing Clive all the best in his new position.