East Midlands Website : News

Refusal by The CPSA Board.



As announced on our website recently the East Midlands Committee chose Clive W Hames as our regional director following the resignation of Colin Butler.  The East Midlands Committee endorsed Clive’s appointment unanimously and the Board were requested to co-opt Clive onto the Board as our Regional Director at their meeting on 23rd July in accordance with the co-option procedure which has always been followed since the incorporation of the Association. 


Regrettably the Board have taken the unprecedented step of declining to co-opt Clive onto the Board citing as their reason that there is nearly a full 3 year term remaining.  Whilst this has never been a consideration in the past, in view of the fact that there is some urgency in securing regional representation on the Board simply because the Association is embarking upon the biggest single constitutional change in its history, Clive suggested that he be co-opted for a shorter term simply to ensure that East Midlands members had a representative with a vote.  Unfortunately this suggestion was also rejected by the Board so at this point in time we have one of the largest regions in England without a voting representative on the Board.


The Board state that they wish to advertise the vacancy on the website and in Pull magazine (at the earliest opportunity) so that candidates for the position may put themselves forward but although one week has now elapsed nothing has yet appeared on the website.  In the meantime the Board are happy to allow Clive to attend meetings and voice his opinion but he is unable to have any formal input because he has no right to vote on any matter whether this affects East Midlands members or not.   We feel that it is unjustified for the Board to say that all Regions are involved in the consultation process on the change of Articles when clearly one Region’s members are being firmly marginalised.


The following text has been compiled by the Board of Directors and the CEO.



Due to the resignation of the previous post-holder, a vacancy has arisen for the post of East Midlands Regional Director on the Association’s Board. This role is open to any member resident within our East Midlands Region who has been a CPSA member for at least three years.


The appointment will run up until the AGM in March 2016, this being the remainder of the current term of office. Owing to the length of tenure remaining, the Board has decided that the fairest way to fill the vacancy is to invite any member to put themselves forward for consideration as would be the case for a full term and, if there is more than one candidate, for a vote of all members within the region to be held. The successful candidate will then be co-opted to the Board.


For more information go to www.cpsa.co.uk/emrd