East Midlands Website : News

New Director & EGM

Further to our report last week on the Regions Facebook page regarding our new Director, we would once again like to keep regional members up to date with developments concerning the East Midlands.
In the last few weeks the region was balloted for the position of East Midlands Director, the vacancy created by the resignation of Colin Butler who performed this role for just over 3 Years.
It was regret that Colin decided to leave this post, but we fully support his decision and would like to thank him for his tireless work in serving the region.
The position for the vacancy was contested by two worthy candidates Philip Simpson from Cambridgeshire and Clive Hames from Northants, in the end Philip was duly elected by the regions members and has already attended a Board meeting held alongside the EGM in Crick last weekend.
It should be noted that Philip is the only member of the current Board who has been truly elected by the membership, the rest of the current Board have all been elected unopposed.
We can also report that Philip has kindly accepted an invitation to attend the regions meetings, the first of those coming up on the 11th of November.
We welcome Philip and look forward to his input in running the region during his tenure.
At the EGM on Saturday the 19th October the Special Resolution was passed with only 6.4% of the membership voting, this appeared due to a disappointing lack of interest.
The Resolution was carried by a vote of  1306 FOR to 229 AGAINST.
It should be noted that 133 proxies were returned from HQ as not correctly completed and we are unaware of how many were returned to be included in the final count.
The EMRC find the outcome disappointing and regret the loss of certain rights which members previously enjoyed. However we must accept that the result is the member’s decision even if those members only represent a tiny fraction of the total membership.
It should also be noted that the East Midlands  were the only region that put in the required percentage of votes to reject the adoption of the New Articles.