East Midlands Website : News



More news from our Regional AGM on Monday 24th Feb, this time it’s the recognition of a contribution to our region over the year or in some cases a lifetime……well not that long, but a significant period.

Clive Hames of Northamptonshire has been an ever present on the Regional committee for so long now even Clive can’t recall how long it’s been. His knowledge on the Articles is probably better than anyone in the country, and if we ever have a problem of a legal nature, Clive is the obvious choice to go to. Clive is a stickler for detail and if you ever make a trip to the National AGM, you will always see Clive making sure things are done properly.

During the period we were without a Regional Director, Clive stepped in and at his own expense attended meetings to make sure the region had a voice.

It was for this and for the many years of service he has given the region, it was decided to present him with a special award of a crystal bowl, the region is very lucky to have someone like Clive, and we hope he continues on the regional committee for many more years.

The Annual Awards this year went to David Shepherd of Lincolnshire for his extensive work at a County show in his own county, and to former Director and Regional Secretary Colin Butler for his time and efforts over many years.

Other presentations at the AGM went to Chris Morris of Cambridgeshire who retained the East Midlands Supreme Championship, further awards were as follows:

Chris Morris – Overall East Midlands Supreme Champion – Cup, Cloth Badge, 500 Cartridges

Lee Clements – Joint Senior Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 125 Cartridges

Andy Brown – Joint Senior Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 125 Cartridges

John Stanton – Veteran Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 250 Cartridges

Alison Dupree – Joint Ladies Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 50 Cartridges

Rachel Willcock - Joint Ladies Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 50 Cartridges

Sarah Christensen - Joint Ladies Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 50 Cartridges

Joy Hirons - Joint Ladies Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 50 Cartridges

Leanne Powell - Joint Ladies Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 50 Cartridges

Taylor Hedgecock – Joint Junior Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 125 Cartridges

Henry Collins - Joint Junior Supreme Champion – Cloth Badge, 125 Cartridges

The Regional Committee would like to thank Carl Smith of Nottingham & District GC for his continued Sponsorship of this competition.

One final presentation was made to Carl Smith the Chairman of Nottinghamshire who accepted the Directors Trophy on behalf of his county for being the top overall point’s scorers in the six Intercounties events.