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Regional UT Championships 2014


The event again held at Rugby & District attracted 52 competitors from far and wide, and this year it was Nigel Watson from Lincolnshire who climbed to the top of the ladder to take the regional title with an impressive 97, Nigel also won the day’s High Gun by beating Dick Fletton in a shoot off.

Mark Reid from Leicestershire chased him home to take the silver medal narrowly outscoring Dave Hardy and Pete Armett who tied for third place.

Sadly Pete had left the ground and was unavailable for the shoot off leaving Dave to take the bronze medal back to Leicestershire.

In Ladies there was just one lady regional shooter Trudy Yardy from Northants, but nothing can be taken away from here as she recorded a cracking 94, to finish as the second highest scoring regional shooter, and all this after a few months away from shooting.

In Vets Andy Morris just outscored fellow Leicestershire shooter Kevin Borley to take the gold medal on 88, Tony Clayton completed the placing’s taking the bronze medal back to Northants.

In juniors sole regional shooter Gary Waller from Cambs took the gold medal with a score of 84.

Once again we extend our thanks to John Nightingale and his team at Rugby for their hospitality.