East Midlands Website : News

Directors Trophy Update


This is now the 5th year we have run this team competition and the East Midlands CPSA committee are very pleased in the way that it has taken off.

We would also like to point out this competition is unique within the CPSA structure, as are a number of other things, such as the Regional Supreme Championship and the Regional Season Ticket to name just a couple.

Like many of these things, the basic concept of the Directors Trophy was a good idea, but it was only after running it for a year, did we realise that it just needed a bit of tweaking.

One person that spotted a minor flaw in the initial idea was Paul Brown a former Chairman of Notts, who suggested that by expanding the competition to include all team scores i.e. Seniors, Ladies, Vets and Juniors, would make it truly a team competition, and everyone could feel like they were playing their part.

The initial concept was just to count the 8 senior scores, but by now including all categories, as many as 20 people from a county could have an influence on the final team total for the Directors Trophy.

None more so than recently, as we have noticed more and more that scores from all categories are making an impact.

In the Intercounties Skeet at Northampton on August 10th no fewer than 18 scores were used from the categories of Ladies, Juniors and Vets to make the final calculations.

The current Directors Trophy standings can be found using the LINK.