East Midlands Website : News

Intercounties Sporting Championship

No Squads For East Midlands Intercounties Sporting.

I have been asked by Phil Moss at Barrow Heath to remind you all that the East Midlands Intercounties Sporting on Sunday September 21st 2014 will not be squaded.

Phil made a request earlier in the year to run the shoot in this way, and the East Midlands committee after consideration were happy to afford him this.

The event will allow first cards at 9am, with last entries at 2pm, and your team members will be allowed to shoot at any time throughout that period.

Team Managers/ Secretaries will still need to forward me (colincpsa@yahoo.co.uk) and Phil Moss their team details before the event, with late changes only allowed before your county commences shooting.

Please can you advise your team managers and team members of these details, it is your and their responsibility that the ground and the East Midlands CPSA are fully aware of team details before the commencement of shooting.