East Midlands Website : News

Regional Wins at the CPSA Awards Dinner

Regional Success at the CPSA Annual Awards

Richard Hunter, England Sporting Team Manager - Volunteer of the Year

Once again the region was well represented in the CPSA Annual Awards at the weekend. The event held in Sheffield followed the National AGM and I’m pleased to say we had nominees in all bar two of the categories.

In the run up to the event, nominations are invited from CPSA members for 8 categories, the nominations are whittled down to three per category, and then a final decision is made by a panel of Board members and category sponsors to decide the winners.

This year we must congratulate three winners from our region, Richard Hunter the England Sporting Team Manager from Suffolk won the volunteer of the year, Andrew Womble from Nottinghamshire won the Disabled Shooter of the Year category and Cambridge Gun Club were the victors in the Shooting Ground of the Year Award.

 Cambridge Gun Club - Shooting Ground of the Year

We must also congratulate Ed Solomons, Janet Stennett, John Bidwell and Vince Kisielowski as nominees in the various categories.

A final mention must go to Carl Smith of Nottingham & District Gun Club who has recently been elected to the position of National Director, Carl attended his first board meeting at the AGM and I’m sure you will join me in wishing him well in his three year tenure.

Carl’s addition now makes that 3 Directors from the East Midlands region, as he joins Michelle Conway (National Director) and Phillip Simpson (East Midlands Director).