East Midlands Website : News

Regions Vets Win ABT Team Title


Once again the region sent a team to the English Open ABT Championships at Beverley CTC, unfortunately because of complications with the on line booking system we were left slightly in the dark as to who had or had not booked in to shoot; this made team selection very problematical.

But on reflection taking a look at the results our Trap Manager has conceded there wasn’t much that could have been done to prevent a virtual whitewash.

It wasn’t though all doom and gloom, Lincolnshire’s Jack Wilkinson scored a fine 190 that gave him the Junior Title, this though is Jacks last attempt at more junior honours as he comes of age on July 2nd, but well done Jack and I’m sure he will be more than able to hold his own in seniors.

One disappointing thing for us as a region was our other junior member never made it to Beverley; a score of just 122 was needed to take the Junior Team title combined with Jack’s score.

Trudy Yardy of Northants was third overall in Ladies with a score of 179, Dick Cooper was 3rd in Vets after a shoot off and John Winn of Lincolnshire was the Vets Champion with a great score of 185.

Johns score coupled with that of Mick Feather (181) from Nottinghamshire was enough though to give the region the Veterans team title.

Thanks to all those that represented the region.