East Midlands Website : News

The East Midlands 43rd AGM

The 43rd East Midlands AGM

Last night at the Bell Inn Stilton the East Midlands CPSA held it 43rd Annual General Meeting in front of a lower than normal attendance.

It was pretty much business as usual with the officers of the region all returned to their posts for the new season, Janet Stennett – Chairman, Carl Smith – Vice Chairman, Colin Butler – General Secretary and Paul Stennett – Treasurer.

Janet as usual read out her annual report detailing the achievements of the region, regional teams and individual’s personal triumphs in national shoots, Janet also went on to thank all the outgoing regional reps for the past year, the officers, hosting grounds and all those that have made a contribution or impact on shooting in our region.

The treasurer Mr Paul Stennett once again reported a healthy bank balance for the region of just over £7,500, and one that is steadily progressing and is in fact possibly the highest it’s been in a very long time.

Once again the meeting fell silent in respect as Janet Stennett read the names of deceased members that had passed away in the last 12 months, our condolences to the friends and families of these sadly missed members.

Nick Fellows CEO gave a presentation regarding all things CPSA, highlighting changes, improvements, current news and achievements of the association in the last 12 months, Nick went on to host a brief Q&A session.

Presentations were then made to Dick Hails as Chairman of Suffolk CPSA as winners of the Directors Trophy, Chris Morris as the Supreme Championship Overall winner and Joy Hirons as the Ladies Champion, sadly the junior winner Henry Collins, the veterans winner Spencer Basham and the Senior winner Lee Hoyland were unable to attend, all prizes for this are sponsored by Carl Smith of Nottingham & District GC for which we are very grateful.

The Services to The Region Awards are made to individual’s that have made a significant impact on shooting in our region, and this year those awards went to Joy Hirons and Paul Zaitschenko.

The Chairman’s award this year went to Dick Hails the Chairman of Suffolk CPSA in recognition of over 25 years’ service on the East Midlands Regional Committee.

Finally, the presentation was made for the Annual Season ticket, drawn out by Phillip Simpson from just over a thousand people was Hazel Whiten of Cambridgeshire, Hazel wins just over £800 of shooting, the Season Ticket allowing her free entry into all 23 East Midlands shoots.