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East Mids CPSA 44th AGM Report
Carl Smith (Nottinghamshire) & Janet Stennett (East Midlands Chair)
On Monday night (February 27th) the region held its AGM at the Bell Inn at Stilton, I can also report it was well attended, and the pre-meeting buffet was a great success with most attendees arriving early to sample the delights and talk about the season ahead.
On the official side of things, the officers of the region, Janet Stennett, (Chair), Carl Smith (Vice Chair), Paul Stennett (Treasurer) and Colin Butler (General Secretary) were all returned to their posts for another season.
The Treasurer Paul Stennett reported once again a very successful season resulting in a healthy bank balance enabling us once more to provide incentives and rewards to East Midlands shooters.
Paul gave thanks to John Martin and Mike Williams for once again hosting the courses in our region, that provided welcome monies, that again aid us in purchasing trophies, medals and glassware.
In attendance from HQ were the CEO Nick Fellows who gave a presentation on what had been happening over the last 12 months and plans for the forthcoming season. Also attending was Terry Bobbett (CPSA Chairman) who hosted a brief discussion regarding any potential moves to change the association name from CPSA to CTSA (Clay Target Shooting Association), There were good and valid arguments on both sides, although the attending officials could not provide any estimates of how much such a change would cost, a straw poll was taken, with a small majority in favour of a change.
Steve Smith, Hazel Whiten, Kirstin Vogel & Chris Morris
On the presentation side of things, Carl Smith accepted the Directors Trophy on behalf of Nottinghamshire for their fantastic victory in the series of six Intercounties shoots.
Chris Morris of Cambridgeshire was once again presented with East Midlands Supreme Championship Trophy along with a cheque for £100, a cloth badge and 500 cartridges kindly sponsored by Nottingham & District Gun Club. Other winners included Steve Smith (Lincs) Senior Champion, Kirstin Vogel (Northants) Junior Champion, Steve Bridge (Lincs) Veterans Champion and Hazel Whiten (Cambs) Ladies Champion, each receiving a cheque for £50, 250 sponsored cartridges, and a cloth badge.
In the Regional awards this year the recipients were Ollie Zaitschenko (Lincs) for his outstanding commitment to the sport, Chris Morris (Cambs) for Services to the Region, and this year’s Chairman’s Trophy went to Andrew Clifton of Sporting Targets.
The final piece of business of the evening was the drawing of the East Midlands Season Ticket, and the lucky winner was Andy Harvey of Lincolnshire who wins approximately £800 of free regional shooting.