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East Mids Intercounties All Round 2017




Julian Williams (Northants Seniors) & Henry Collins (JHG)

Its common knowledge in county circles that Northants are very much a team to be considered when the East Midlands Intercounties shoots come around, especially in the Sporting, Skeet and All Round, but their inability to field a team in the complete series has in the past cost them dearly. Only a few years ago the fabled “Northants Dream Team” swept all before them in the first three shoots, then they failed to enter the next three shoots, handing the title over to those counties more committed to the long haul, and as recent as last year entry alone into the FITASC would have guaranteed the Northants team victory in the Directors Trophy.

But according to a few of my sources they are intending to field teams in all six shoots, and that must be worrying news for a few counties hoping to break the Nottinghamshire, Suffolk stranglehold on this competition........time will tell.

Well what I can report is Northants got off to the best possible start at a bright, sunny and wind free Northampton Shooting Ground on Sunday, as 130 shooters lapped up the wonderful summers day.

As in the past in the final reckoning Suffolk and Northants were well clear of the remainder of the other counties, and it soon became apparent it was a case of which county could stack up the most 90+ scores, and at the end Northants had the luxury of securing victory with one of their shooters still out on the range, and when his score was included the winning margin increased by one more target.

So, its many congratulations to the Northants Senior team of Dave Morgan, Mick Rolstone, Mick Russell, Steve Smith, Joe Smith, Julian Williams, Leon Gill and Neil Faulkner who amassed a points tally of 550 ex 600, Joe Smith top scoring on 95.

Just four points back in the runners up berth were Suffolk who had Eric Chapman as the top scorer on 93, Darren Parsons, Peter Mayhew, Rob Butters, Francis Alexander, G Garnham, A Stephenson and Stuart Smith completed the line-up.

Eric Chapman, Darren Parsons, Dennis Meakins (Manager) & Stuart Smith - Suffolk

 In Vets, it was the favourites Bedfordshire who again took the title with Glen Moore top scoring on 93 to give the Beds quartet a finishing total of 184/200, John Stanton, P Coxall, and Jim Munday completed the winning line, next best was Lincolnshire on 178/200.

In Ladies, we had a tie between Northants and Suffolk finishing even on 154/200, Pauline Chapman top scoring for the Suffolk duo on 87 with Mellissa Smith on 67, and Rose Palmer for the Northants quartet on 80.

Ruth Markham & Kirstin Vogel - Northants Ladies

After much banter between the two teams, a discipline was drawn from the hat to decide the result, both counties had their preference, possibly Sporting for the Suffolk girls, and Skeet for Northants, but inevitably it was one of the trap disciplines Down the Line that was drawn out.

A sudden death shoot off on the centre peg it was to be, Suffolk won the toss and decided to shoot first, sadly missing one target, Ruth Markham and Kirstin Vogel then made no mistake in sealing victory for Northants, Isabel Russell completed the winning line up.

Mellisa Smith & Pauline Chapman - Suffolk Ladies

In juniors the quality was staggering, with Taylor Hedgecock from Cambs and Henry Collins from Northants finishing all square on 97/100, sadly those remaining were denied what could have been an epic shoot off as Taylor had to leave the ground giving Henry the Junior High Gun title and the James Hinkins Trophy. Taylor though can seek some solace in the fact that his score coupled with that of Dan Mawby’s 90/100, and Alex Bowman's 72/100 was good enough to give Cambridgeshire the junior team title with a narrow four clay victory over the nearest county Northants.

Once again, many thanks to NSG for hosting this event, and of course to you the East Mids shooter for once again supporting us.

Directors Trophy points for this event can be found by following the link below.

Click on the clay