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East Midlands Intercounties Sporting


A new venue for East Midlands shoots in the shape of Highwayman’s Shooting Ground and the 1st Round of the East Midlands Intercounties shoots in the race for the Directors Trophy and it was one of biggest shoots of the season with the Intercounties Sporting to get us underway.

The day started promptly at 9-00am with many people arriving early and trying to avoid shooting in the predicted 30 degree heat, but with an estimated 250+ entry it appeared many had the same idea, and although things ran extremely smoothly all day long thanks to Simon and his excellent team, the sun soon started to take its toll, as it not only became a competition against the excellent course set by the team but one of endurance against the blazing sunshine that showed no signs of relenting.

In the final reckoning Norfolk topped the Seniors with a superb score of 527/600, and when you consider that was without the likes of World Champion Richard Bunning and another top Norfolk shooter Sam Green, the victory was well deserved against strong opposition from county neighbours Suffolk. So, its many congratulations to Duane Morley 94, Mark Beck 80, Mark Goddard 88, Jordan Sayer 92, Steve Amies 84, Steve Herrieven 84, Dave Gooding 85 and Brian Melton 71 who take the Winners glassware back to Norfolk.

A strong Suffolk team finished as Runners Up some 21 targets clear of third place finishers Northants, so again its well done to Eric Chapman 89, Stuart Smith 86, Andy Coppen 89, Puff Baker 86, Angus Bridges 75, Pete Foster 78, Josh Nunn 85 and Andy Gibbs also 85.

But picking up the runners-up glassware for Team Suffolk was only the tip of the iceberg as they then proceeded to clear up the remaining team titles in Ladies, where Pauline Chapman top scored on 80, and was ably backed up by Melissa Smith 62, Charlotte Patten 45 and Tina Henshaw 62 to give them victory over their nearest rivals Norfolk Ladies.

In Vets it was all square between Bedfordshire and Suffolk tied on 171/200, Glenn Moore top scoring for Beds on 87, and Colin Saich for Suffolk on 88, but at the end of the shoot nobody from Beds was available for a shoot off so Suffolk took the title by default, John Sparrow 73, Melvyn Stephenson 72 and A Rogers 83 completed the Suffolk line up.

In Juniors the Suffolk youngsters were not to be out done by their senior teammates and scored a narrow victory again over Norfolk, Ed Coppen top scored on 84 and was well supported by Henry Lungley 69 and Henry Bevan 79 to make it a bumper day for Team Suffolk whereby all 19 team members put some crystal in their own personal trophy cabinets.

Last but certainly not least as the standard in Juniors in the region is something we should all be proud of and it all bodes well for the British Open where the region will be looking to hang on to their national titles, so many congratulations to Taylor Hedgecock from Cambridgeshire who wins yet another Junior High Gun Trophy with a superb score of 86.

Very finally, a big thank you to all the refs, Simon and the ground staff and the food operatives (superb food by the way) who kept things ticking along all day in the blazing hot conditions, and not forgetting the booking in team of Helle and Teacher.......mange tak ! !

We now move on to the Intercounties Skeet next weekend at Northampton Shooting Ground.