East Midlands Website : News

Intercounties DTL


Deputy Team Manager Julia Fell & Team Manager Ken Rimington Celebrating the Victory

Round 4 of the East Midlands Intercounties series of shoots and the race to win the Directors Trophy with the DTL next on the agenda at Nottingham & District Gun Club.

111 shooters took up the challenge in bright sunshine on a long but enjoyable day, as the first shots rang out promptly at 9-00am, with the final squad of the day due out at 5pm.

As ever the local counties kick off proceedings first and Notts as always set the benchmark score for everyone to aim at (no pun intended), and not for the first time their total stood the test of time, a few counties threatened their score of 1761/1800 but it was never to be and in the final reckoning ran out fairly  comfortable winners by 20 points with Curtis Woolley top scoring on 296 with able support from Paul Meakin 295, Adrian Snell 295, Lee Wilcoxson 294, Andy Brown 293, Elvin Lawson 288, Granville Hodgkinson 286 and Darren Watkinson 284.

Team Norfolk - DTL Senior Team Runners Up

Runners Up were last season’s Champions Norfolk with the John Reynolds top scoring with the only senior ton of the day to finish an agonising point away from the perfect performance, with just a single target escaping John’s first barrel. Norfolk finished on 1741, ten points clear of third placed team Lincolnshire with the remainder of the Norfolk team scoring well but not enough to retain their title, the final line up included Russell Houghton 295, Paul Owen 293, Robert Flowers 286, David Taylor 285, William Gilbert 283, Jason Matthewson 283 and Richard Gilbert 283.

In Ladies it was a similar story to that of the Seniors, Notts ladies again shooting first set a score that eluded all challengers and they ran out 17-point winners over nearest rivals Lincolnshire. Hayley Denoon top scored for Notts with 278, and scores of Sarah Odam 269, Megan Gamble 230 and Sue Booth 187 eased them over the winning line.

Vets Team Champions - Leicestershire

In Veterans its always a delight to see the Leicestershire quartet shooting and as ever supporting their county and the East Midlands, and it was great to see them rewarded for their efforts by narrowly outscoring runners up Suffolk to take the title. Aggie Paphitis and Mike Brookes led the charge with top scoring efforts of 288, with noble support from the two Keith’s, Taylor and Mault who finished on 285 & 261 respectively.

In Juniors it was once again all about the high scoring Harris lads from Leicestershire, Connor this time top scoring with a superb 100/298 that also made him Junior High Gun. Brother Alex scored 292 and Sam Maling 229 to give the Leics trio yet another victory in this event.

That’s it for the DTL, many thanks to Carl, Linda, Julia, Kieley, all the ground staff and the refs for once again making it such an enjoyable event, we will be back in a few weeks’ time for the ABT, but until then, it’s the All Round at Northampton SG next weekend.


A stewards enquiry for Team Suffolk