East Midlands Website : News

2020 Season Cancelled

A general letter to the grounds and shooters of the East Midlands CPSA from the Chairman Janet Stennett regarding the cancellation of the 2020 shoot calendar.

Dear All


Regional Championships and Covid-19


Firstly, I hope this letter finds you all well and coping with the trials and tribulations that this pandemic has brought with it.


The current situation, as far as our regional competitions are concerned, has caused much soul searching by the regional committee but after consultations with the regional representatives and many of the grounds due to host our championships the decision has now, reluctantly, been taken to cancel all of our events for this season.  This includes the regional championships and the inter-county competitions.  We very much regret having to take this step but feel it is in the best interests of our shooting community and the ground owners and their staff. 


The pandemic is the most serious risk to the health of the population of this country in a century and has had a massive impact on our lives.  Some, but not all, grounds are now open for business and although they have all worked very hard to put systems in place to ensure that the guidelines laid down by government and the CPSA to protect the wellbeing of their customers and staff can be implemented nevertheless the easing of lockdown is only very recent and most feel it is sensible to steadily ease ourselves into the new normal and, at this stage, holding a regional championship with the possibility of a large number of entries is a risk not worth taking.  


In the meantime, enjoy your return to shooting.  However limited this may be at the moment it is a start and can only get better.


Yours sincerely

Janet Stennett


East Midlands Regional Committee of the CPSA