East Midlands Website : News

Regional & Intercounties Sport Trap

East Midlands CPSA Region Sportrap Championship

East Midlands CPSA Inter-Counties Sportrap Competition

Many Thanks to Eric Cundall for this report and overseeing this event.

Over the weekend of August 6th & 7th, The East of England Shooting Ground hosted the East Midlands Region Sportrap Championship combined with the second ever East Midlands inter-counties Sportrap competition and it was pleasing to see this event supported by seven of our eight counties this time around.  It seems that interest in our regional Sportrap events is beginning to gather some momentum and it is hoped that the Inter-Counties competition can become a regular or more permanent fixture in the years to come.

The teams were made up with a maximum of eight shooters (top six scores to count) drawn from any category of shooter, so we saw a good mix competitors and age ranges. 

John Lee has an established reputation for setting challenging targets designed to get even the most seasoned shooter thinking and this event turned out to be no different, where he presented an interesting mix, combining deceptive angles and a range of colours against different backgrounds.

The combined event saw 100 entries over the two days with the pace being set on Saturday by Dave Gooding (Norfolk) who carded a score of 93 late in the afternoon.  However, Dave’s lead didn’t remain intact for very long on Sunday morning, as up stepped Sam Green to set an improved target of 95 to aim for, which saw him stay ahead of the chasing pack until the remaining Team Norfolk shooters entered the fray. 

Regional Championship results

The Regional Sportrap Champion for 2022 was Mark Goddard who carded a superb score of 97 to take home the Gold Medal.

Regional Runner-up and Silver Medal winner was Karl Hagan with a score of 96

Regional Bronze Medal winner (on count back) was Sam Green who ended up slightly behind Karl on 95.


Regional Ladies Gold:            Ella Bennett (Lincs)                 75

Regional Ladies Silver:           Rosie Parkinson (Lincs)          70        (on count back)

Regional Ladies Bronze:         Becky Spicer (Leics)                70        (on count back)


Regional Veteran Gold:         Steve Brightwell (Leics)          92  +  23  +  9   (after shoot-off)

Regional Veteran Silver:        John Wells (Leics)                   92  +  23  +  8   (after shoot-off)

Regional Veteran Bronze:      Robert Tucker (Leics)              92


Regional Junior Gold:            Kallum Burrell (Lincs)             88        (on count back)

Regional Junior Silver:           Josh Lee (Lincs)                       88

Regional Junior Bronze:         Samuel Cole (Suff)                  83        (on count back)

Congratulations to all of our regional winners.


Special shout out to Josh Lee who at the tender age of 14, shot an impressive 88 to take the silver medal. Well shot Josh …. Fast becoming a chip off the older block!

Additional congratulations to Kallum Burrell who not only took the Junior Gold Medal but has earned his second England cap and will shortly be heading off to Jersey for the Home International Championship.

Inter-Counties Team Result

Huge congratulations must go to Team Norfolk for taking the honours with very impressive combined score of 562.  The victorious team was:

Dave Gooding                        Mark French

Karl Hagan                              Joe Norman

Mark Goddard                       Jamie Goddard

Richard Bunning

Runners-up were Team Leicestershire with a combined score of 538

Third was Team Cambridgeshire on 527.


Thank you to all of the shooters who came along to support this event.