East Midlands Website : News



On Monday evening (Feb 6th, 2023) the Chair & Committee of the East Midlands CPSA welcomed members to its 50th AGM at the Bell Inn Stilton. Also in attendance were invited guests Iain Parker the CPSA CEO and Clare Alger the CPSA Operations Officer.

Presiding over events Chair Janet Stennett reported an encouraging last 12 months with increasing entries at East Midlands shoots not seen since 2016 confirming the region had come out of Covid and recovered quickly, although the region is bracing itself for the next 12 months and the ongoing cost of living crisis.

In addition, Janet reviewed the continued success of our regional teams at national events, announced the purchase of additional feather flags to be displayed at Inter-Counties shoots, and introduced the new East Midlands Secretary Chris Bone.

Janet closed her Annual Report by thanking all representatives for their term of office in 2022 and looked forward to working with the new committee this season. There were further thanks to Iain & Clare for their attendance, and a request to pass on the regions thanks to all the staff at HQ, concluding that the CPSA was in safe hands under Mr Parker’s leadership.

At this point of the meeting Janet requested a minute’s silence in respect of the 16 regional members who had passed away in the last 12 months.

Treasurer Paul Stennett reported an excess of income over expenditure of £1,178 over the season giving a closing balance of £17,172.

The new East Midlands Committee for 2023 was announced and is as follows.

Chair – Janet Stennett, Vice Chair – Carl Smith, Treasurer – Paul Stennett, Secretary – Chris Bone.

The County Representatives are as follows:

Bedfordshire – Andrew Clifton & Becky Clifton

Cambridgeshire – Tim Jones & Hannah Hall

Leics & Rutland – John Wroughton & Alan Bott

Lincolnshire – Janet Stennett & Paul Stennett

Norfolk – Mike Jennings & Kyle Woodhall Cross

Northamptonshire – Keith Alibone & Colin Butler

Nottinghamshire – Carl Smith & John Martin

Suffolk – Nigel Kingston & Adrian Cook.

CEO Iain Parker gave a very informative presentation covering many topics including the lead debate, shotgun licensing, sponsorship of events, championships, membership levels, CPSA finances, the proposed name change, and trends in disciplines.

The evening was concluded with Janet & Iain making presentations to the following.

Shooter of the Year – Tom Clifford (Notts)

Directors Trophy Champions - Suffolk  

Services to the Region – Craig Boddice (Leics)

Services to the Region – Darren Parsons (Suffolk)

In addition, a presentation was made to Colin Butler (Northants) in recognition of his service to the region as General Secretary for the last 13 years, a position he has now stood down from.