East Midlands Website : News

Handicap by Distance 2023

High Gun Bruce Cain (L) recieving his trophy from Tim Jones


21 guns turned out for the East Midlands Handicap by Distance Championship today at Priory CTC. As always the ground and reception was brilliant, with layouts well-kept and food and drink to boot.

Cambridgeshire guns certainly found the warm, sunny conditions to their liking as they took High Gun and all other categories too. Please remember that this event only awards Gold medals in this East Midlands event.

Bruce Cain (Cambs) with 96/280 took High Gun, and the Veterans title. Jane Bell (Cambs) takes Ladies title with 94/273. Chris Morris (Cambs) was the highest scoring Senior on the day with 94/276 and making it a clean sweep for Cambridgeshire was Junior Connor Hodson on 78/220.

Jane Bell - East Midlands Ladies Champion

Huge congratulations to all entries, and well done to all our winners. 

As always a big thank you to Natasha and Aaron at the Priory CTC for making today the success it was, and all the staff and referees for your continued support. 
