East Midlands Website : News

Olympic Skeet 2023


How do you know its Summer in The East Midlands .....its blowing a hooley, April showers put in an early appearance and it felt like -5 in the bitter northeasterly wind.

Those were the conditions that met the hardy (mad) Regional Olympic Skeet Championship competitors at the Priory CTC.

As in previous years this event is 50 targets to encourage anyone who isn't familiar with the discipline to give it a go. This year the Championship was co-hosted with Lincolnshire CPSA Public Page and Cambridgeshire CPSA OSK Championships.

Today wasn't going to be record breaking, and competitors were tested from the first to the last target. With a sharp tail wind, the low house clay was like an demented whirling dervish and the high target trying to achieve mach 2 leaving the trap.

The event attracted guns from Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. A special welcome also to Jessica Hambrook and her personal chauffeur (dad) who travelled up from deepest darkest Kent to enjoy the surroundings of the East Midlands.

A new name will adorn the shield this year. Alexander Horton (Lincolnshire) obviously liked the conditions, Alex turned in a very respectable 32/50 to take the Region Olympic Skeet High Gun.

Alex Horton - East Midlands OSK Champion 2023

Last years Champion Keith Simpson (Lincolnshire) had to settle for Veterans Champion.

This year's ladies Champion is Northamptonshires Kirstin Vogel.

As always a massive thank you to Natasha, Olivia and John at the Priory CTC for making today the success it was, the ground was impeccable and the coffee even better.

A special thanks to Matthew Robinson, our OSK referee for the day in Arctic conditions. 

Congratulations to everyone who entered, your tenacity, hard work and composure in demanding conditions was superb throughout.

Scores here - https://www.cpsa.co.uk/.../olympic-skeet-the.../111528