East Midlands Website : News

Regional Double Rise 2023


The East Midlands Double Rise got off to a nice early start with a little bit of sunshine and overcast at times. The temperature was a little on the chilly side but got warmer as the day went on but with it being overcast it was having a small effect on being able to see the targets on the odd occasion, but all in all the targets were great and good fun was had by all.

It was a good turnout for the shoot that is a minority discipline and at times looks harder than it actually is although the slight wind on occasions did make the targets a bit tricky.

Our thanks to Natasha and the scorers at Priory for holding the shoot and running it alongside the Cambridgeshire All Round, a great day with good people, well run and enjoyable, and you can’t ask for more than that.


East Midlands & Veterans Champion

A Palmer (Leics) 49/60

Ladies Champion

Elzbieta MacGreggor White (Lincs) 37/60

Junior Champion

William Gilbert (Norfolk) 42/60

Class Winners

AA - T Jones 48/60

A - A Palmer 49/60

B - R Gilbert. 38/60

C - R Flowers. 40/60