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East Midlands DTL Championships 2024

East Midlands Regional DTL Championships

30th June 2024 at Nottingham & District GC

What a day, obviously with it being the end of June we were greeted to a moderate to strong wind with overcast cloud and the occasional rain shower.

But that didn’t dampen the spirits of our competitors with jumpers and jackets back on they headed out to the layouts to do their best.

Richard Morris from Cambs set the bar high early in the day with a superb 100/297 and though many looked likely to catch him just one bad round held them at bay and as all the scores were added up Richard’s score held firm making him this year’s overall High Gun and Regional Champion.

Second and third places were hotly contested with just one point separating Alex Harris from Leics, Allen Warren from Notts and Chris Morris from Cambs.

Alex took second place with a 99/293 and Allen took third spot on a 98/292 by default as Chris had left the ground.

This also gave Allen the Veteran’s title with Frank Welham from Suffolk just three points away taking second and Mike Brookes from Leics claiming third.

It was great to see that both Ladies and Juniors were fully contested giving them all some competition. In the ladies Olivia Stevens from Notts claimed first place on a 96/284 while Regional Chair Janet Stennett from Lincs settled for second shooting a  90/258, third place went to a new up and coming lady competing from Lincolnshire Nicola Mason definitely one to watch in the future.

Juniors was won by Notts shooter Joe Turner who seems to of got to grips with his new stock putting in a very clean 99/289, Olivia Stevens claimed her second medal of the day as runner up with  96/284 and finally taking the third spot was Joshua Kind from Leics with 96/278.

Thank you to all that supported the region and NDGC and made it a real event for everyone and of course congratulations to all of the winners.

Finally a big thank you to team Nottingham who as always put a faultless event together