East Midlands Website : News

English Open ABT 2024



20TH/21ST JULY 2024


This year’s English Open ABT saw one of the best entries for some years as nearly 120 competitors made their way to Nuthampstead Shooting Ground.  As always, we received a warm welcome from Ed “the legend” Barker and the team at “Nutty” and the weather seemed inclined to match the same warm welcome as summer time nearly arrived in time for the event.  With temperatures of 30+ on the preceding Friday it looked set for a sweltering weekend but, fortunately, Saturday dawned with slightly lower temperatures and a little breeze which made it very pleasant to shoot in.  The little breeze on Saturday turned into something a bit stiffer on Sunday which made the targets even more testing but in spite of this and the extreme angles some big scores soon started to roll in.

For the first time in a number of years East Midlands were fielding full teams in all categories and with some big hitters like Dave Sipling, Jack Wilkinson and Allen Warren in our teams we were ready for the challenge, and it so nearly paid off.  With the top 5 scores counting, the senior team finished on 923 just 2 targets behind the North Region.  Dave Sipling and Jack Wilkinson (Lincs) both scored 191 and were ably backed up by Leicestershire’s William Marshall and David Hardy on 186 and 179 respectively with Suffolk’s Geoff Howlett completing the quintet on 176.


The North’s junior team have long dominated this event but this year the East Midland’s juniors really pushed them all the way.  Some top class shooting from Oliver Sampson (Notts), William Gilbert (Norfolk) and Rhys Dixon (Cambs) brought them to within 1 target of forcing a shoot off with the North.  As a team they all performed superbly and should be congratulated for their achievements.

The Veteran team of Allen Warren (Notts) and Steve Parker and Dick Cooper (Lincs) also came up against some strong opposition from the North but after 200 targets they were still only 7 targets adrift.

So, it was left to the Ladies team of Sue Bate (Northants), Anne Phillips (Suffolk) and Jane Bell (Cambs) to pick up the team trophies in that category.  After a problematic year, health wise, Sue Bate came back in fine form scoring a very consistent 87 each day.

(Top Left) - Dave Sipling, (Top Right) - Oliver Sampson, (Botton Left) - William Gilbert, (Bottom Right) - Dick Cooper. 

Individual trophies came in our direction as Sue’s score gave her 3rd in Ladies,  Oliver Sampson and William Gilbert picked up 2nd and 3rd respectively in juniors,  Dick Cooper score of 171 gave him 2nd in the Disabled Standing category and Dave Sipling was 1st in Veterans.

Congratulations to our team members.  Nuthampstead is known for throwing targets at full angles so it was always going to be a challenge, so it is good to see such fine shooting from our team members.

Congratulations also to Ed and the team and to the CPSA for a very well run and enjoyable event.