Derek Olivant Memorial ABT shoot




This August bank holiday was reported to be the hottest since records began and such temperatures were not conducive to rushing around so Derek's memorial shoot was conducted in almost a holiday atmosphere,  Heavy holiday traffic meant that some shooters missed their time slot but it was not a problem for NDGC as squads were held up to accommodate all.  Derek would have been pleased to see many of his old friends, like Graham Elkington, Dick Fletton and John Winn to name just a few, competing for the magnificent trophy donated to Lincolnshire CPSA by Derek's widow, Lynne, and in the presence of such big names in the world of ABT you would not be wrong in thinking there was going to be some serious competition amongst them.   Richard Gray, shooting on one of the early squads, set the bar high by recording a very respectable 94, a score which was subsquently overtaken by Steve Smith on 96 and then again by both John Winn and Dick Fletton who both put in 97's.  It is always a pleasure to watch any sport done well so a shoot off between two of the best in the business attracted quite an audience. 

Dick Fletton and John Winn heading for a shoot off

John got the proceedings underway but dropped one target early into the round and then went on to straighten the rest but Dick made no mistakes and finished the round with another perfect 25 to take the trophy.

Dick Fletton - winner of the Derek Olivant memorial trophy for 2019

Derek was a Lincolnshire man to the core so when this trophy was donated to the committee we made it a condition that it could only be won by a Lincolnshire person but although we are not willing to share the trophy we do offer our friends from other counties the opportunity to win something so there are 100 cartridges on offer for high gun and 50 cartridges each for the highest score in ladies, juniors and veterans. 

With such high scores from John and Dick who would have thought that this could be beaten but Nottinghamshire's Pat Dickman did just that by scoring 98 so took home 100 cartridges. 

Pat Dickman - Overall high gun on 98 William Gilbert & Joe Tune - Junior high guns on 94

The ladies winner was Cambridgeshire's Hazel Whiten on 86.  Lincolnshire junior, Joe Tune, shared the 50 cartridges for juniors with Norfolk's William Gilbert who both scored 94 leaving John and Dick to share the 50 cartridges for veterans.

The Lincolnshire committee of the CPSA are pleased and proud to be able to keep Derek's legacy alive by holding this shoot each year and in the process we raise as much money as we can for Prostate Cancer.  This year the entry levies, a raffle and donations raised £350 for this very worthwhile charity. 

Paul Stennett, Chairman of Lincolnshire CPSA receiving cheque for £350 for Prostate Cancer UK

Thanks to Carl, Linda and the team at NDGC for the effort they put in to make this shoot a success and thanks to all those who so generously supported it with donations of money and raffle prizes.