Lincolnshire AGM 2020






Every Lincolnshire CPSA member is given a free raffle ticket when they sign in to win a hamper.  This year's lucky winner was Barry Exton.


The committee's decision to move the venue for the AGM to the south of the county seems to have really hit the spot with our members as the attendance of 36 set a new record. 

Another first was having the welcome buffet before the meeting and this also worked really well.  The Barge put on a first class buffet and made available part of the restaurant so we had a seating area to enjoy the food.

The food and chit-chat were so good that the scheduled start for the meeting had to be delayed until 8.0 p.m. but this was not an issue as all were there to enjoy the evening.

Chairman, Paul Stennett, reported a successful year and particularly commented on the success of Brocklesby and Revesby Country Fairs.  He thanked the committee for all the hard work that they put into these events and specially mentioned the volunteers, Marvin & Jackie Houghton, Phil Thomas, Alan Firth, Richard Gray, Paul Briggs, Jane Bell and her husband, Andy, and Tony Woodcock, who joined us for one or, in most cases, both of the events.  Their commitment to promoting our sport is exemplary.  He also made special mention of the success enjoyed this year by the Junior Sporting team who took top honours in the East Midlands Intercounties Sporting and, even better, were runners up nationally.  There was some excellent shooting from Kallum Burrell, Callum Burgess, Alex Horton and Jack Page.  He thanked also the team managers - they have a tremendous amount of work to do as Lincolnshire are one of the few counties that always enter teams for both East Midlands and National intercounty events.

Treasurer, Janet Stennett, presented the annual accounts to the meeting from which it was evident that the two country fairs had contributed largely to the strong financial position at the year end.  It is proposed that the committee will continue with the subsidised skeet vest scheme as these are well received and team members are proud to wear them.  The committee will also pay £15 per entry to 2019 team members except juniors who will receive £25.  This applies to all team members who have received a subsidised skeet vest in previous years.

A new committee was elected for 2020, the following members agreeing to serve:

Paul Stennett, Chairman, Dave Shepherd, Vice Chairman, Elena Taylor, Secretary, Janet Stennett, Treasurer.  Committee members are Brett Aisthorpe, Caroline Hawkins, Chris Bone, Donovan Jenkin, Eric Cundall, Nigel Salmon, Richard Gray, Richard Thompson and Trevor Hawkins.

Paul and Janet Stennett will continue to represent Lincolnshire on the East Midlands regional committee.

Presentation of the awards to our 2019 Supreme Champions took place after the meeting.

Steve Smith - Lincolnshire Supreme Champion 2019

Pete Atkin - Senior Supreme Champion Saira Boardman - Ladies Supreme Champion
Richard Gray - Veteran Supreme Champion James and Jo Cheer collecting Junior Supreme Champion, George Chee

Again for the first time presentation was made to those who had won glassware throughout the year but had not been able to be present at the end of the shoot to receive their awards at the time.

Caroline Hawkins & Saira Boardman

- winning Ladies ABT team

Marvin Houghton - Veteran ABT champion Norman Smith - winning veteran ABT team

Members were very generous in their donation of raffle prizes (this is an excellent way of recycling some of your less well desired christmas presents!!) and if the tickets had fallen right there was potentially a winner for every person in the room but, of course, it is a bit more random than that but a lot of people went home happy.  Brett Aisthorpe did a cracking job of selling the raffle tickets raising £155 for county funds.