Derek Olivant Memorial ABT shoot






For the last 7 years Lincolnshire CPSA have been pleased to include in their calendar this fund raising shoot in honour of one of our finest ABT shooters who sadly passed away from Prostate cancer.  Derek was a larger than life character who had an enviable reputation in the ABT world as a first class shot but he was also highly regarded as an all right guy that everybody liked and the fact that he is still so well remembered after so many years is a testimony to his genial personality.  

As always the aim of the day is to provide some good quality competition and, at the same time, raise as much money as we can for Prostate Cancer UK.

The day started quite clear and bright with very little wind and looking round the quality of the field of entries it had all the promise of being a high scoring day and so it was.  The very first line brought in a smattering of 25's from Keith Ritchie, David Ball and Dave Shepherd.  Last year's winner, Jack Wilkinson, demonstrated his usual consistent style with 24, 24, 25, 24 to finish on 97 but was pipped by Dave Sipling who went one better with 24, 25, 24, 25 to finish with a stunning score of 98 so took home the magnificent silver rose bowl which had been donated to the Lincolnshire CPSA by Lynne, Derek's widow.  It somehow seemed even more fitting that Dave should be the winner when it was revealed that on the first occasion that Dave qualified for the England ABT team, Derek was the team captain.

Dave Sipling

This trophy is so special that it is only awarded to Lincolnshire shooters so for other competitors there are cartridges to be won, kindly donated this year by Donovan Jenkin.  Tied with Dave and also on 98 was Lancashire's Neil Leeming who shared the 100 high gun cartridges with Dave but then also picked up a further 50 cartridges for the highest scoring veteran.  Jackie Houghton repeated her winning performance from the Lincolnshire ABT championship by putting in a 91 to take the ladies high gun prize of 50 cartridges and the remaining 50 cartridges went to Northumberland junior, Edward Dixon.

A monster part of this shoot is how much money we can raise for Prostate Cancer.  People showed amazing generosity by supporting the raffle and had great fun with a name card to win "Billy the Bear".  The total raised this year was £1,070 which is much higher than anything we have done in the past thanks largely to a couple of single donations of £500 from Norman Eaton and £100 from Graham Elkington.  This sort of support is quite overwhelming and we are immensely grateful to them for helping to swell the coffers all of which are sent to the charity.

Gill Hall of East Yorkshire Clay Shooting Ground and Paul Stennett, Chairman of Lincolnshire CPSA receiving a cheque for £1,068 for funds raised.  This was added to by a kind lady who donated a further £2 to make it a nice round number of £1,070.

Billy the Bear found a very good home with Dick Cooper

Thank you to all those who contributed to this day.  To all those who came to shoot, donated raffle prizes and bought raffle tickets and to Rob, Gill, Sean and Georgina at East Yorkshire Clay Shooting Ground for helping to achieve this wonderful outcome.