East Midlands I/C ABT report





We had a very enjoyable day out last Sunday as Team Lincolnshire attended the East Midlands Intercounties ABT.  The weather was largely fine, generally sunshine but with intermittent chasing clouds which sometimes made visibility quite tricky.  As can be seen below we put in some good scores but in terms of East Midlands glassware we came home empty handed.

We had in our senior team two of the best ABT GB shooters in Dave Sipling and Jack Wilkinson who did not disappoint, both recording scores of 96. 

John Winn, Mike Burton, Marvin Houghton, John Toombs Jack Wilkinson, Dave Sipling, Phil Porter, Dave Dale


With the Notts team out first we already knew we had to beat their team score of 364 but with two of our seniors shooting later in the day it was quite some time before we knew that Notts had beaten us by 1 target.  More pain followed as towards the end of the day the Norfolk team, led by  junior, William Gilbert who put in a stunning score of 99, came in with a team score of 376 putting us very firmly into 3rd place.


The Notts vets team had put in some awesome scores with skeet shooter, Allen Warren, scoring 98 giving them a team score of 191 but with Marvin Houghton just 1 target down at 50 and the ever consistent John Winn shooting well we had high hopes that we might take this category but, alas, it was not to be as we finished just 3 targets back of 188.

Jan Stennett, Jackie Houghton, Liz MacGreggor White Brian Wilkinson (Team supervisor), Graham Elkington (Vets team)


The lady’s category was even closer.  In spite of a very debilitating cough, Jackie Houghton put in a very commendable 85 but then had to wait until the end of the day for team mate, Saira Boardman’s score to come in to give us a team score of 164.  We then had a final wait only to see that the final score of the Cambridgeshire ladies had scored 165.

So, it was a “nearly” day for Team Lincolnshire trophy wise but the good news is that Lincolnshire scored 7 points towards the Director’s Trophy which gives us a tied score with Nottinghamshire and just 2 points behind the leaders, Leicestershire so we are well placed to pick up this trophy for the second year running.  Next weekend is the EM I/C All Round with the final event, English Skeet, at Northampton on 23rd October.

Special congratulations to Saira Boardman, who returned from her holiday in Mexico on the morning of this shoot sporting an engagement ring.  Lincolnshire CPSA send every good wish to Saira and her fiancé, Tyrone for their future happiness.


Well shot to all those who took part.  It is nice to win but it must always be fun else what’s the point and we had a good day out amongst friends.

Thanks to Carl Smith and the team at NDGC for a very well-run event.

For full scores click here and East Midlands report click here.