East Midlands I/C All Round report





Our Lincolnshire teams headed for deepest Suffolk at the weekend to take part in the East Midlands All Round.  For many it was a long way to go, particularly for those living in the north of the county, but the All Round is always an interesting discipline and Eriswell Lodge is a first class ground so although it was a big ask our dedicated team members were up for it.

The weather was kind with bright sunshine all day but the stiff breeze which accompanied it, at times, made the trap targets a tad unpredictable.  The sporting was well thought out but there was a very mean-spirited battue on the sort out stand which just crossed the sun at the wrong time so this had the potential to spoil a good card and meant that no-one managed to crack the magic 90.

The senior squad all shot consistently well.  Our top scorer, Pete Atkin, was just 5 targets down at 75 until the battue did its worst to give Pete a final score of 89 but combined with some good solid scoring from the rest of the team, Richard Cundall, Phil Thomas, Steve Smith, Richard Thompson, Mike Burton, Gary Boardman and Tony Woodcock we finished with a team total of 512 which in the final reckoning saw us in 4th place. 

L-R : Chris Bone, Pete Atkin, Phil Thomas, Steve Smith and Richard Thompson

L-R : Brett Aisthorpe, Tony Woodcock, John Toombs, Gary Boardman and Mike Burton

The veterans team had some highs and lows with the lows mainly coming from ABT.  They were good targets but seemed quite wide angles with the left handers particularly being pushed down so no-one came away from that line with what they thought was a satisfactory score and then came the battue!!  Top scorer for the veterans was Norman Smith whose final score of 21 on the sporting brought about a change of fortunes for him finishing on 77 but closely followed by Brett Aisthorpe on 75 and John Toombs on 70.

Our facebook correspondent, Chris Bone, has termed our girls the "Golden Girls" and he is not wrong.  The only 25 straight of the day from our teams came from Georgina Barratt who scored a perfect 25 on the single barrel.  Rosie Parkinson coped best with ABT and sporting and Saira Boardman put in a very respectable 23 on the skeet but all 4 girls gelled supremely well as a team with both Georgina and Rosie finishing on 79 each and Saira and Liz MacGreggor White on 70 and 61 respectively.  As always the Suffolk ladies, on home ground, were always potentially the ones to beat so we were well pleased to finish 9 targets ahead of them to take the glassware.

L-R : Rosie Parkinson, Saira Boardman, Georgina Barratt, Liz MacGreggor White and Norman Smith (Vets team)

Congratulations to all.  

For full results - click here.

Although only our "Golden Girls" picked up any glassware, the top scores from all of our teams count towards the points scored for the Director's Trophy and is helping to keep us in the running for this award.  Click here for the updated leaderboard.