Lincolnshire Police alert



Following two recent burglaries where shotguns have been stolen, one from a cabinet which was forced open and the other where the gun was left insecure, Lincolnshire Police have issued a statement of which all members should be aware.


"Our FEO's intend to conduct random, unannounced security checks on holders - this will no doubt be discussed between holders at shooting grounds, clubs etc. and hopefully get some holders to review their security practices and stop complacency. 

We are not doing this to inconvenience or penalise, but to protect the holder, their families, their property and the wider public in general".


It does no harm to remind ourselves of the need for diligence in ensuring that our guns and cartridges are stored securely at all times and the police are looking for our co-operation in this matter.  Remember that leaving a firearm insecure will result in your certificate being revoked so it is in all our interests to take this on board.




Our sport is massively important to our lives and we must do everything we can to ensure that we can continue to enjoy it safely so we remind all of you to be diligent about your security obligations.  In the event that any of you find yourselves confronted with a random, unannouced security check from the Police you should be aware of the following guidance:

a)  You are entitled to ask what specific reasons and concerns the police might have which has triggered their visit.  Paragraphs 4.7 and 4.8 of the Home Office Statutory Guidance to the Police on Firearms Licensing do not give a blanket authority to conduct random unannounced visits without specific concerns about the individual or their security.

b)  Members should make their family members aware that it is only the licence holder who should give authority to the police to enter the family home if they deem there is good reason to do so.

c)  Any member who decides to give the police access to their home should be encouraged to advise the visiting FEO that the visit will be video recorded using a mobile phone in order to provide evidence in the event of any dispute at a later date.

We draw your attention to a very informative article published by Laura Saunsbury, our Honorary Solicitor, in the August issue of Pull which explains more fully what to do in the unlikely event that members find themselves in this situation. Please click here to read the article