Merseyside CPSA Website : Merseyside CPSA Website
Welcome to the Merseyside CPSA Website
The Merseyside county committee was formed on the 21st of November 2016 and is run by a dedicated volunteer team of shooters on of the clay shooters of Merseyside. Our aim with the new committee is to bring the major discipline county championships closer to home to enable the local shooters to show there support and to make postive changes to the way the CPSA is ran within our county.
On this web site you can find the latest news, fixtures and results for Merseyside.
You will also find links to some of our favourite "local" grounds, gun shops and other places of interest for fellow shooters.
If your interested in starting shooting please contact any member of the committee.
You can find the 2019 Fixtures here
If your a socail media user please "Like us" on Facebook