South East Website : News

Regional Team at English Open ABT

At the English Open ABT at NCSC on the weekend of 27th/28th June 2009 the South East Regional Team came third out of the five regions.

The team was as follow (score ex 200)

Mary Rowley - 182/Phil Rowley - 180/NigelCaves - 194/Carl Burrow - 185/Brad Davis - 190

Mick Winters - 182/Dave Simmons - 188/Keith Kilvington - 182/Mike Davis - 177/Carl Miles - 178

Total: 1838/2000

Results: North - 1846West Midlands - 1839/South East - 1838/East Midlands - 1823/South West - 1819

Mary Rowley won the Ladies

Congratulations to you all