South East Website : News

South East of England All Round Championship 2009

Well - not a brilliant entry for the first All Round Championship the South East Region has held.

The event ran well and the 20 shooters who turned up enjoyed themselves.

The champion, who was absolutely delighted, was Tim Martin from Kent with a score of 93/100

The Ladies Champion was Karen Husk 76/100, the Junior Champion was Lewis Balantyne 76/100, the Colt Champion was Sophie Weller 75/100 and the Veteran Champion was Paul Buckley 80/100

My thanks to Gordon Lee and the team at Dartford Shooting Ground for organising this event on behalf of the South East Region and to Johnny Johnson for attending on his ?? birthday and presenting the prizes with my help.

South East of England All Round Championship 2009

Champion Tim Martin

South East of England All Round Championship 2009

The Champions

Sophie Weller, Tim Martin and Karen Husk

with Our Glorious Leader, Johnny Johnson, in the background