South East Website : News

South East of England Helice 2009

A lovely warm and sunny day for this, the last championship at Invicta for 2009.

The Champion, shooting 19/20 was Ivor Dadswell (a very popular win), the Lady Champion was Dionne Rogers 18/20 and the Veteran Champion was Geoff Tyler 14/20 and, shooting his first competition as a Junior, was little Chrissie Potter shooting 18/20!!!!!.

We did not have a Colt so I gave the badge to 4 year old Joshua Taylor who comes to every event with his Grandfather and helps me on the scoreboard.

This was also the final of the Invicta Summer Series and the Champion was Brian Metson with Dionne Rogers once again winning the Ladies.

My thanks go to Invicta for an excellent day.

South East of England Helice Champion 2009

Ivor Dadswell

Brian Metson, Ivor Dadswell, Dionne Rogers and Geoff Tyler

Junior Champion

Little Chrissie Potter!!!!!!!