South East Website : News

South East of England Olympic Trap Championship 2010

The South East of England Olympic Trap Championship was held at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 26th September 2010.

What can I say about this!!

Massive entry(13) with just 9 from the region eligible to take the title. Ghastly weather (pouring with rain, windy and cold)

Did I have a nice time - did I ever - I was in the company of people I liked and we made the best of the day by having a really good laugh.

The Champion, carrying on in the face of adversity (he was on a squad with Laurel and Hardy),

was Dick Fletton, back in God's Own County, who shot a massive score of 91/100.

Trust me the weather conditions were so appalling this was great score.

The Lady Champion was Tracy Speirs in her last attendance at one of our championships

as she is moving out of the Region (and will be greatly missed)

The Junior Champion was Wee Gordie Lee (Kent), the Colt Champion was Little Carlie Burrow (Greater London) and the Veteran Champion was the lovely Chris Wright (Essex)

I won the booby prize courtesy of Nicky Barker!!!

My thanks go to Nicky and the team for running this

championship on behalf of the Region

Sandie Buckler - South East Regional Secretary

South East of England Olympic Trap Champions 2010

Back Row:

Sandie Buckler (Booby Prize), Chris Wright (Veteran Champion) and Dick Fletton (Champion and High Gun)

Front Row:

Wee Gordie Lee (Junior Champion) and Little Carlie Burrow (Colt Champion)