South East Website : News

South of England Down the Line Championship 2010


The South of England DTL Championship was held courtesy of Bisley Gun Club on Sunday October 3rd 2010. This event can be won by any shooter from the South East or the South West Region.

The weather was variable, some sun and plenty of rain making the targets very wind affected.

Class always come through and the Champion, shooting 99/296 was John Malden (Kent)

The Lady Champion shooting 97/286 was Karen Allen (Surrey), the Junior Champion shooting 97/284 was Jack Tucker (Surrey), the Colt Champion shooting 90/263 was Karl Williams (Berkshire) and the Veteran Champion shooting 99/294 was Bill Logan (Essex).

A good atmosphere ensured that this was an excellent Championship and my thanks go to Bisley Gun Club for hosting this event.

A special thanks must go to Dave Goddard for making me a special sign for my car parking space

(which actually looks a lot like me) - it was much appreciated.

Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary Bird


John Malden

Lady Champion Karen Allen, Veteran Champion Bill Logan,

Champion John Malden and Colt Champion Karl Williams

(Unfortunately Jack Tucker had gone home!)


and then there is


My Special Car Parking Sign!!!