South East Website : News

South East of England Helice Championship 2010

The South East of England Helice Championshiop was held courtesy of Invicta Gun Club on Sunday 17th October 2010.

The weather was kind to us, sunny although a bit chilly.

The Champion, fresh from his awesome achievements at the European Helice Championship in Seville, was the 13 year old Colt, Nathan Hales, who shot the only straight 20/20 of the day.

Nathan is the youngest outright winner that the South East Region has ever had. A delightful young man and his father, Colin Hales, was very proud of him - as were we all.

The Lady Champion, who also won the Invictia Summer Series outright, was Dionne Rogers shooting 15/20, the Junior Champion after a shoot off with Nathaniel Foy was Jack Tucker shooting 16/20, the Colt Champion was obviously Nathan Hales shooting 20/20 and the Veteran Champion was Ron Smith shooting 19/20.

It was a very nice day and my thanks go to Invicta Gun Club for holding this event.

Sandie Buckler

South East of England Helice Champion 2010 (and Colt Champion)

Nathan Hales

South East of England Helice Champions 2010

Jack Tucker, Ron Smith, Dionne Rogers and Nathan Hales