South East Website : News

South East of England All Round Championship 2011

The South East of England All Round Championship was held on Sunday May 22nd 2011 at Southdown Gun Club.

The weather was good with a fierce wind. There were 48 Entries

I was not there as I was at an Intercounties UT event at Nuthampstead so I am waiting for a report from our Glorious Leader Johnny Johnson.

The Champion with 90/100 was Tom Bury (Sussex)

The Lady Champion was Tracey Riddington (Essex) with 81/100

The Junior Champion was Daniel Christian (Sussex) with 81)

The Colt Champion was Callan Greenfield (Essex) with 69 and the Veteran Champion was P.F.Humphreys (Essex) with 89.

Sadly there were no photographs taken but a good day was had by all.


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary