South East Website : News

South of England Sporting Championship 2011

The South of England Sporting Championship was kindly held by Steve and Allison Lovatt

at Weston Wood Shooting Ground on Sunday September 18th 2011.

It was a well run event with an excellent standard of refereeing and a good mix of targets.

Allison and Steve made everyone welcome as usual and were happy to run the event on the

South East Region's behalf.


A good entry of 136 and the weather was lovely.


The Champion, after a shoot off with Matt Hance, was Mickey Rouse (Oxfordshire) with 97/100

The Lady Champion was Cheryl Hall (Hertfordshire) with 89

The Junior Champion was J. Bishop (Berkshire) with 73

The Colt Champion was J. Robbins (Oxfordshire) with 42

The Veteran Champion was Fred Townsend (Oxford) with 91


Luke Riddington, possibly Matt Hance, Mickey Rouse and Steve Lovatt


Luke Riddington

South East Region Sporting Manager