South East Website : News

South of England Down the Line Championship 2011

The South of England Down the Line Championship was held, courtesy of Bisley Gun Club, on Sunday 16th October 2011.


The weather was glorious and there was an extremely good entry.


The Champion, after a shoot off with Mark Bryant (shooting his first 100 straight at Bisley Gun Club), was the lovely Dave Toomer with 100/298, the Lady Champion was Caroline Stanbrook with 99/294, the Junior Champion was Matt Holley with 99/291, the Colt Champion with 79/228 was John-Michael Dunstane and the Veteran Champion was the equally lovely George Semmens with 98/290.


I had a right laugh all day and my thanks go to Bisley Gun Club for holding this event on behalf of the South East Region. 



Champion Dave Toomer


Veteran Champion George Semmens, Lady Champion Caroline Stanbrook,

Champion Dave Toomer, Junior Champion Matt Holley

and Colt Champion John-Michael Dunstane