South East Website : News

South of England Sporting Championship 2012

The South of England Sporting Championship

was held courtesy of

Southdown Gun Club on Sunday 22nd April 2012


A good entry and the weather was fairly kind (I think)


This championship can be won by members from the South East or the South West Regions.


The Champion was Mark O'Dowd (God's Own County),

shooting his beloved side by side,

with 93/100


(Adrian Balham, also from Greater London, was runner up with 92)

The Lady Champion was N. Blockwell  from Surrey with 74

The Junior Champion was L. Elliott from Hampshire with 81

The Veteran Champion was John Hughes from Sussex with 90

Sadly there was no Colt entry.


My thanks go to Southdown for holding this championship on behalf of the South East Region


As I was too lazy to go I am afraid there are no pictures !!!


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary