South East Website : News

South East of England Olympic Skeet 2012


Southend Gun Club


Shoot Report


South East of England Championships


Olympic Skeet





Champion                 David Bond (92562) Essex                      93/100


Ldy Champion         Vicky Humphreys (110751) Essex           87/100


Jnr Champion         Charles Davidmann (111940) Oxford      92/100


Veteran                   John Davidson (5623) Gtr London           90/100


Colt                        None


The day started very well there was no rain and the sun shone, Eighteen entries took part in this Championship, David Bond and Charles Davidmann started the ball rolling with 22/25 each, the second round Charles edged ahead by one target, by the end of the third round Charles was still one target ahead, making the final round nail biting to watch,

David Bond finished with a fine 25/25 with Charles ending with a 23/25 making David Bond overall Champion, it is very good to see David make a return to competitive shooting as I feel he has a lot to offer, I am sure he will a valuable GB team member very soon.

Congratulations to all Champion of this prestigious event



Report by

Barry Dobbs

Secretary (Southend Gun Club)



Jonathon Davidson Veteran Champion, David Bond, Champion,

Vicky Humphrey Lady Champion

and Charles Davidman Junior Champion