South East Website : News

South East of England Sporting Championship 2012

The South East of England Sporting Championship

was held courtesy of Southdown Gun Club

on Sunday July 22nd 2012


Nice day weatherwise and a good entry for this championship


 David Tagg, James Attwood and Kevin Howland all shot 93


Kevin Howland becoming the Champion after countback 

Kevin Howland - Photo not taken at Southdown !!!


the Lady Champion was Nicky Gryspeerdt with 78,

the Junior Champion with 93 was James Attwood,

the Colt Champion, winning his first regional badge with an impressive 75, was twelve year old Ronnie Green

and the Veteran Champion was Dave Powell with 81.



Ronnie Green has only been shooting since January 2011 so 75 at the difficult ground of Southdown was a score to be proud of. His Father, John, is well pleased.


Ronnie Green, South East of England Colt Champion 2012


Thanks from the South East Region to Southdown for holding this Championship


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary