South East Website : News

South East of England Helice Championship 2012

The South East of England Helice Championship was held, in conjunction with the

British Pairs Championship, the British Doubles Championship

and the British 410 Championship courtesy of

Invicta Gun Club on Sunday 21st October 2012


The weather was naff, cold and raining for nearly all the day.

Despite this, those that turned up had a right laugh.


The South East of England was won in style by Ivor Dadswell, shooting 15/16 which also meant he also took the Veteran Championship.


The Lady Champion, having shot rubbish for at least the past five years, was Sandie Buckler shooting 14/16

(where that came from I have no idea but I was delighted)



The Junior Champion was Nathan Hales with 13/16

Sadly there was no Colt so I gave the badge to young Josh (John Taylor's Grandson) as the best newcomer.



The British Doubles Championship (1 shooter 2 targets) was won by Colin Hales.


The British Pairs Championship (2 shooters shooting 3 targets) was won by Chris Potter and Nathan Hales


The British 410 Championship was won by Colin Hales.



Everyone present enjoyed themselves and I thank Chris Potter and the team

at Invicta for holding this championship on behalf of the South East Region.



Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary