South East Website : News

South East of England Olympic Trap 2012

The South East of England Olympic Trap was held on

Sunday October 28th 2012

at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground


The weather, albeit a tad chilly, was dry and bright.


A better entry than usual for this event and a great atmosphere as usual.


The target were rather testing and even some of the mighty trap shooters

scored well below their normal.


The Champion was Howard Batt with 87/100 with Peter Mann and Phil Meyler on 86

The Lady Champion was Sandie Buckler with 52

(Blimey Champion two weeks running !!!)

The Junior Champion was Nathan Hales with 62

The Colt Champion was Fletcher King with 45

The Veteran Champion was Howard Batt with 87


Despite the difficulty of the targets, the day was excellent

Nicky Barker baked me a wonderful chocolate cake - perfect  

I had a great time and my thanks go to Martin & Nicky and the team at

Nuthampstead for a great championship


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary




Howard Batt, Champion and Veteran Champion,

Sandie Buckler, Lady Champion


Fletcher King, Colt Champion

(Sadly, Junior Champion, Nathan Hales had gone home before the photograph)