South East Website : News

South East of England Down the Line 2013

The South East of England Down the Line Championship


A good entry for this championship kindly held by the team at Mayland Gun Club.


I was not there but I suspect it was cold and windy but that would not have dulled

the spirits for the 52 entrants at the event.

Billy had his shorts on so the weather could not have been that bad !!!


The Champion, with an excellent score of 99/295, was Billy Logan

The Lady Champion was Karen Allen with 96/276

The Junior Champion was David Argent with 86/243

The Colt Champion was Fletcher King with 85/241

The Veteran Champion was John Parry with 99/292


Sadly the champion's trophy had not been returned for the event.


My thanks go to Maylands for holding this championship on behalf of the South East Region


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary



The Winners

Karen Allen, Billy Logan. David Argent and Fletcher King

(John Parry not there for the photograph)