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South East of England Olympic Trap 2013

South East of England Olympic Trap 2013

Held Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 25th August 


Glorious sunny day with an entry of 30 shooters


As normal targets were testing and more than one established shooter threw in a

dodgy round here and there.


The Champion with 89/100 was the Lovely Dick Fletton from Oxfordshire

The Lady Champion with 70 was Vicky Medcalf from Greater London

The Junior Champion with 45 was Fletcher King from Surrey

The Colt Champion with 17 was Jensen King from Surrey

The Veteran Champion was Dick Fletton.


I had an excellent day and I hope everyone else did. 

My thanks go to Nicky Barker for getting up at 6a.m.

and baking one of her sumptious chocolate cakes,

and to the team at Nuthampstead for running the shoot on

behalf of the South East Region.


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary



The Champions

Fletcher King, Dick Fletton and Jensen King

Sadly Vicky Medcalf had left before the photographs