South East Website : News

South East of England UT Championship 2013

South East of England Universal Trench Championship 2013

Held 29th September 2013 at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground


Trophy kindly donated by Glen Paeckmeyer


An interesting day !!


Sunny and warm but with very few entrants (3 Squads)


Difficult targets with strange scores


The Champion shooting 89/100 was Dave Izzard (Essex)

The Lady Champion shooting 49/100 was Sandie Buckler (Greater London)

(there were four ladies who all shot badly and I happened to be the best of a bad lot !!!)

Colt Champion with 58/100 was Fletcher King (Surrey)

Sadly there was no Junior.

The Veteran Champion was Dave Izzard.


We all had a good laugh and Nicky made her usual outstanding cakes.


My thanks to all at Nuthamsptead for holding this championship on behalf of the South East Region


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary


The Champions

Fletcher King, Dave Izzard and Sandie Buckler