South East Website : News

South East of England Helice Championship 2014

South East of England Helice Championship

Held on April 20th 2014 at Invicta Gun Club



After a week of glorious sunshine what a day this was !!!


Freezing cold, dark, raining, totally miserable.


This did not put off the 36 shooters who entered the event.


The shooting, surprisingly, was extremely good and, as usual, everyone had a great time.


The Champion with a score of 19/20 was Brian Metson, shooting his trusty Purdey Side by Side from Kent

The Lady Champion with a score of 17/20 was Sandie Buckler from God’s Own County

The Junior Champion was current World Champion Nathan Hales from Kent with a score of 18/20

The Colt Champion with a score of 15/20 was Jack Judd from Sussex

The Veteran Champion with a score of 18/20, after a shoot off with Jack Sparrowhawk, was former World Champion (twice), Howard Batt

The Super Veteran Champion was Brian Metson.


My thanks on behalf of the South East Region go to the team at Invicta for an excellent day.



Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary





Jack Judd, Howard Batt, Brian Metson, Sandie Buckler and Nathan Hales