South East Website : News

South East of England Skeet 2014

South East of England Skeet

Held Sunday 26th October 2014 at N.C.S.C.


A good turnout of 46 skeet shooters turned out for this event on a dry day with a bit of a chill in the air.

I was at the South East of England Universal Trench Championship at Nuthampstead so sadly

there are no up to date pictures of the Champions.

Johnny Johnson was in attendance on behalf of the South East Region.


The Champion for the second year running was Allen Warren from Surrey with an impressive 98/100

after a shoot off with M. Gatehouse from Sussex.

The Lady Champion was Katy Poulsom from Surrey with 93/100

Sadly there was no eligible Junior entered.

The Colt Champion was Jack Collier from Surrey with 87/100

The Veteran Champion was Johnny Walker from Kent with 97/100 after a shoot off with John Smith and Martin Brister.


As usual the event ran smoothly courtesy of the team at the NCSC and my thanks you to them for organising

this event on behalf of the South East Region.


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary.


An older picture of the Champion and Lady Champion

Allen Warren and Katy Poulsom


An even older picture of the Veteran Champion Johnny Walker