South East Website : News

South East of England Helice 2015

South East of England Helice Championship 

Held at Invicta Gun Club on Sunday April 12th 2015


A glorious sunny day greeted the 39 entrants for this, the first championship from the

South East Region in 2015.

Gusty winds made the targets a tad difficult as the scoreboard showed.


The Champion, after a shoot off with Howard Batt, was Alisdair Williams with a score of 17/20

The Lady Champion was Sandie Buckler with 15/20

The Junior Champion was Michael Bovingdon with 13/20

The Colt Champion was Lewis Young with 11/20

The Veteran Champion was Howard Batt with 17/20

The Super Veteran Champion was Ron Smith with 16/20


Sadly Lewis Young has gone home so there is no picture of him.


The South East Region's Glorious Leader Johnny Johnson and the

South East Region's Director John Offord attended the event for the first time

and they were most impressed with the facilities, the ambience and the club.

Johnny Johnson presented the prizes.


An excellent day was had by all and my thanks go to the efficient team at Invicta

for holding this event of behalf of the South East Region.


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary 


Champion: Alisdair Williams with Johnny Johnson


Lady Champion: Sandie Buckler


Junior Champion Michael Bovingdon


Veteran Champion Howard Batt


Super Veteran Champion Ron Smith