South East Website : News

South East of England Sporting Championship 2015

The South East of England Sporting Championship 2015 was held

courtsey of Southdown Gun Club on Sunday 17th May 2015


A good entry for this event and lovely sunny weather.


South East Regional Chairman Johnny Johnson was in attendance.


The Champion was James Attwood with 98/100

The Lady Champion was Nicky Gryspeerdt with 84

The Junior Champion was P. Goldsmith with 71

The Colt Champion was Ronald Green with 83

The Veteran Champion was Ray Effamy with 93


Sadly only Nicky Gryspeerdt and P. Goldsmith were there for the presentation

so no other photographs.


A good day was had by all and my thanks go to Southdown for hosting

this event on behalf of the South East Region


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary


Johnny Johnson presenting Nicky Gryspeerdt with her badge



Johnny Johnson presenting P. Goldsmith with the Junior Badge